Teflon Don Finally Got Convicted of a Crime. So what happens next?
Trump's Second Impeachment, and Why Mitch McConnell Sucks so Much
The Attempted Coup and You
What do you Mean the Supreme Court Decided that LGBTQ People Have More Rights? Are you High?
Huh. I Guess We're Doing a Thanksgiving Special.
The Super Weird Aftermath of the 2020 Election, Part 2
WTF, Trump? : The Super Weird Aftermath of the 2020 Presidential Election
Since We've Lost RBG, What the Hell Do We Do Now?
An Ode to RBG
Really?! This is a Series? : Donald Trump Does Not Understand How the First Amendment Works, Part 2
Okay, Donald Trump Does Not Understand How the First Amendment Works
The Wisconsin Primary: WTF, SCOTUS?
Impeachment, Part Three - Or, What the Hell was That?
The True Meaning of the Articles of Impeachment (Not Christmas)
Impeachment: What it Is, and What it Isn't
So What's the Deal With Roe v. Wade, Anyway?
Yes, I'm Still Mad About Kavanaugh, And Here's What I'm Doing About It
Can The Crazy Orange Man Really Get Rid of Birthright Citizenship, Or is He Full of Baloney?
What the Heck is the 25th Amendment, and Can it Really Help Us Get Rid of Donald Trump?
We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming for a Word About Brett Kavenaugh